Latest News
  • Admissions are now open for the Academic Year 2025-26 for the following classes as per NEP regulations :- Balvatika II, Classes II, III, V, VIII, and IX.

Admissions Open For Academic Year 2025-26.


Admissions are now open for the Academic Year 2025-26 for the following classes as per NEP regulations :-

 Balvatika II, Classes II, III, V, VIII, and IX.

All categories are requested to send an admission request letter along with a photocopy of student particulars (Birth Certificate, Aadhaar, etc.) to the school address mentioned below on or before 15 March 2025.

School Address:
Navy Children School
INS Agrani,
Red Fields
Coimbatore – 641018

For further details, please contact the school office at
0422 – 2977220 during working hours (08.30 am to 3.15pm).